KEICO FAMILY is a Vietnamese Family located in Hanoi, Vietnam. Our family has over 100 years making handicraft products from natural materials.We have developed production and exported through trading companies and government companies for many years.In 2009, 3rd generation started marketing business and expanding the export through logistic companies. We have just done exporting under our name from 2020. With the knowledge of 3rd generation, we set up a small workshop for rattan furniture and decor products, Keico Store for Retail and LCL purchase. We understand more about market's need; learn worldwide quality standards to make foreign customers satisfied.The combine between 2nd generation and 3rd generation is the combine between Tradition and Modern, Past and Future, Production and Marketing.Let's make the earth greener with qualified natural products, keep jobs for Vietnamese Artistans with more orders and bring the handmade Keico products to customer's heart.
Factory phone : 0084912215141
Factory address : 27 TT13 Van Phu, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam
Name of CEO : Mr. Keico Company
Factory website :
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 0084912215141
CEO whatsapp : 0084912215141
labels.modir_forush_name : Mr. Keico Company Mr. Keico Company
Sale manager phone : 0084912215141
Sale manager whatsapp : 0084912215141
Established year : 2020
Factory area : ...
Number of Employees : 11-50