We are one of leading food distributor in Korea.Our customer is more than 500 including big major company.We have our own R&D center and developed raw material which called "Red Grape fermented concentrate" It has a lot of benefit such as 1. Decreasing Bad cholesterol 2. Anti-Aging 3. Diet Effects 4. Enhance Immune function. Our main raw material has registered as Health functional food ingredient from KFDA. Hope you are enjoy the our 1879 Polyphenol Beverages.Thank you.
Factory name : CSF corporation
Factory phone : 0082515318276
Factory address : 7, Yeonan-ro 58beon-gil, busan, South Korea
Name of CEO : Mr. Jun Young
Factory website : csfood.com
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 0082515318276
CEO whatsapp : 0082515318276
labels.modir_forush_name : Mr. Jun Young Mr. Jun Young
Sale manager phone : 0082515318276
Sale manager whatsapp : 0082515318276
Established year : 1996
Factory area : 10000
Number of Employees : 11-50