Nobia’s financial information is based on quarterly financial reporting, press releases, company presentations and meetings with shareholders, analysts and investors. Our objective is to provide clear information and thereby facilitate the stock market’s valuation of the Nobia share.
Factory name : Nobia
Factory phone : 004684401600
Factory address : Nobia AB Blekholmstorget 30 E7 111 64 Stockholm, Sweden
Name of CEO : Tobias Norrby
Factory website :
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 004684401600
CEO whatsapp : 004684401600
labels.modir_forush_name : Tobias Norrby Tobias Norrby
Sale manager phone : 004684401600
Sale manager whatsapp : 004684401600
Established year : Unknown
Factory area : 10000-30000
Number of Employees : 5,001 - 10,000
Customization : 1